Why Join Phi Gamma Delta?
The Theta Deuteron Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta holds itself to the highest standards academically, athletically, socially, philanthropically, as well as within the community. Our Brothers are exceptionally involved throughout a variety of athletic teams and many organizations on Ohio Wesleyan's campus, including WCSA, President's Club and EMF. Supporting our driven undergraduate chapter are passionate and respected Graduate Brothers, proving that the Theta Deuteron Chapter is truly "not for college days alone."
An established OWU GPA of 2.6 or higher.
Excellent moral compass and exemplary character.
Involvement on campus.
Nickname: FIJI​
Chapter name: Theta Deuteron
Founded: May 1, 1848, at Jefferson College in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania
Total International Brothers: 196,000+
Famous International Graduate Brothers: Scott Bakula, Seth Meyers, Johnny Carson, Donald Trump Jr, Philip Knight, Edmund Lynch, Tom Ryan... and more.
Semester Dues: $300
Campus Avg. Dues: $500+
International Website: www.phigam.org